Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi is an Assistant Professor of Law at Sciences Po Law School. Her current research is situated in the field of international law and global governance. Her main research reflects on technolegal modes of governance and their evolution/proliferation in a context where new forms of transnational risk, risk-anticipation strategies and technology are in play. Her book, Drones and International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery was published with Cambridge University Press in July 2023.
Rebecca is an Editor for the Legal Theory section of the Leiden Journal of International Law, a co-founder of the ESIL Interest Group on International Law and Technology, and a board member of the Women in International Law Network. She is an Associate Researcher at the TMC Asser Institute and at the International Center for Counter-Terrorism. Rebecca is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Military Law and the Laws of War.