Nathan Ehrenfreund
Nathan Ehrenfreund is a Doctoral Researcher in public international law and global regulation at McGill University, Canada, and the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. His research revolves around the theorization of normative hybridity as a key phenomenon in the regulation of global issues, understood as the de facto co-action of multiple normative systems in the regulation of a single global challenge. He studies the intertwined relations between non-state transnational norms and state-made law in three different global regulatory regimes, focusing on the functional characteristics, interactions, complementarities and interferences between coexisting but mostly uncoordinated normative systems. He seeks to better map the phenomenon and to offer a methodological framework that should allow for a more conscious and functional grasp on the regulation of global issues.
Nathan currently holds a position as an Associate Supervisory Fellow at McGill University, supervising L.L.M. students in their final research papers. In 2023 he gave lectures in public international law at McGill University. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and a master’s degree in Law from the University of Lausanne (summa cum laude).